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Main points of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues affecting Indigenous Peoples in Canada. (UNPFII), 2024

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

In this video, I will be sharing some of the most important points from the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues that affect Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

At the North American Regional Dialogue, the Forum resonates with the invaluable contributions of Indigenous Peoples, emphasizing their important role in various areas like health, sustainable development, and environmental conservation. Urging Canada and the United States, the Forum advocates for stronger programs to fight the diseases that affect Indigenous communities, particularly focusing on HIV, HepC, and STIs, which affect women, youth, and gender-diverse members.

Emphasizing the significance of upholding Indigenous Peoples' rights, including land governance and environmental protection as outlined in the UNDRIP, the Forum voices concern over mutual agreements neglecting Indigenous water rights. Additionally, the Forum calls for support for displaced Indigenous groups settled in North America, ensuring their visibility, cultural safety, and adherence to treaty rights. Highlighting the potential of Indigenous Peoples as peacebuilders in the middle of global conflicts, the Forum advocates for their involvement in peace efforts. 

Recognizing the need for an Elders Council and evaluating the Forum's program in alignment with the UNDRIP's 20th anniversary, the Forum underscores a commitment to Indigenous rights and representation. Moving on to the Pacific, the Forum raises the voices of Indigenous Peoples from isolated regions, incidents of violence, racism, and discrimination while asserting their right to self-determination. 

Expressing alarm over the unjust removal of Indigenous children and advocating for a global reduction in the voting age to 16, the Forum confronts systemic biases undermining Indigenous youth. Moreover, the Forum condemns reprisals against Indigenous defenders and the adverse impacts of extractive industries on women and girls, echoing Hawaii's report on Murdered and Missing Indigenous women and girls.

By Rachel Gurung


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