This event offered community-based perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 1: No Poverty. Through panel presentations and interactive small group conversation, participants shared knowledge, experiences, and resources on localizing the SDGs and community-based approaches and built capacity to leverage the SDGs for local goals.
First Nations Elder, Grandmother Irene Compton (Canada)
Opening Remarks:
Mercedes Morin, Director, SDG Unit, Employment and Social Development Canada (Canada)
Hannah Barrie, Campaign 2000 (Canada)
Sonodhy Hansda, Local Credit and Savings Cooperative (Nepal)
Katelynn Herchak, VIDEA (Canada)
Hosts: Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Loreto Generalate NGO to the United Nations; Congregations of St. Joseph NGO to the United Nations
Canadian Partners: Campaign 2000, Citizens for Public Justice, The Mary Ward Centre, CSJ Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care.