Our Education Programs
The Mary Ward Centre offers a variety of retreats and workshops for high school students. These programs focus on topics including world religions and interfaith dialogue, social justice ethics, peacemaking and creation care. The Mary Ward Centre works with a variety of partners to offer programs that speak to contemporary needs.
Discovering Spiritual Treasures in the World’s Religions
The Golden Rule, which can be found in all the World Religions, provides us with a common and fertile meeting place where we can come together and work for justice, peace and sustainability. Once we have established some common ground, we can begin to explore the spiritual treasures of the World’s Religions that are meant to enrich us all.
This interactive retreat uncovers and celebrates some of the spiritual treasures of the World’s Religions. This program for high school students features religious symbols, input, meditation, music, stories, visual media, poetry and some gentle movement.
Called By Name
This retreat designed to help young people more fully appreciate their special place in the circle of life and God's Dream for them. Having reflected on the countless ways God has been present in their journey we will try to gain a glimpse of how God may be calling them to "Be the Best For the World." We will make use of the Parker Palmer discerning exercise which invites us to list all the things that bring us joy and then list all the hungers and needs of the world as we see it. Then we will try to see how the two things connect. In other words, we will try to discern how God may be calling us to match our deepest joy with the world's deepest hungers - our hero vocation.
This is an interactive retreat that makes use of media, reflection, scripture, prayer, meditation, games and input.
Gospel Peacemaking
In Collaboration with the Basilian Centre for Justice and Peace,
The Mary Ward Centre, and CPT (Community Peacemaking Teams).
A team of experienced educators (priests, teachers, chaplains & peacemakers) offers facilitated Gospel Peacemaking Retreats, Workshops & Trainings for Secondary students focused on Jesus’ first words in Luke’s Gospel.
Centre on the Gospel: Reflect and pray on Jesus’ words quoted on the left, and learn how to become active peacemakers.
Examine Nonviolence & Justice: Explore what is required for true peace and active nonviolent ways to promote justice.
Address Bullying & Harrassment: Practice peacemaking skills -
nonviolent ways of de-escalating abusive behaviours.
Engage in Interactive Liturgy: Harvest the learnings and imagine together a commitment to active Gospel peacemaking.