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CCR Annual Consultation from November 24 to 28th, 2024.

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

This was Mary Ward Centre's first time at the CCR national consultation meeting. Over four hundred people from all regions in Canada gathered for 4 days in Ottawa, participating in group discussions and workshops. Mary Ward Centre is part of the Migration and Inland Protection working group; during the consultation, we can discuss and decide to support better temporary foreign workers, international students, and people without status, asking the Government for better protection, ensuring their human rights protections and preventing them from becoming victims of criminals who defraud and exploited.

Lobbyist day in Ottawa on November 25th.

As part of the CCR Annual Consultation in Ottawa, the organizer committee arranged a lobbyist day in Parliament; 34 MPs and Ministers responded positively to the invitation to have 30-minute conversations regarding the Canadian measures around migration, refugees, and temporary foreign workers. 

We participated in a lobbying day as part of a four-person team meeting with Marco Mendiccino from the Liberal Party and Carol Hughes from the NDP. They answered positively to our messages, which were to lead a positive campaign about the contribution that migrants and refugees as great contributors to Canadian society and economy and put into action Canada's experience in welcoming and protecting asylum seekers, especially at borders, by using well-known solutions as part of a fair and effective system of asylum with dignity.

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